Correspondence from Kenneth Grant to Karl Germer
[11 May 1955]
. . . Owing to a serious leakage of knowledge anent the rituals, lections and general practices of the original and of A.C.'s O.T.O., it has been necessary completely to re-write he rituals of the several degrees and this I have done in the light of the New Isiac interpretation of AL about which I have already spoken.
These rituals, for obvious reasons, must remain closely guarded and I am not therefore sending copies of them on to you, trusting that you will accept my word and pledge as a brother of the Order and as a Thelemite, when I assure you most emphatically and earnestly that these rituals, as freshly formulated, contain nothing but the pure elements of Thelema and are entirely in accord with this Aeon of Horus, for they unveil gradually and properly the mysteries surrounding the essential secrets of Magick wherewith the true O.T.O. is and always has been primarily concerned.
Insofar as these rituals are original formulations of the various stages of the Gnostic Mystery, New Isis Lodge may be considered as an Order in its own right. Beside the eleven Official Rituals (0° - IX°, and a standard Lodge Rite), I have written scripts, Grade Papers and Instructions, and—up to and including the Sixth Degree—the several stages of a Great Visualization Practice which is graded symbolically and accurately according to the particular degree at which each stage is given out.
Over and above all this there are completely new documents of instruction for members of the Sovereign Sanctuary, for even the secret documents of A.C.'s O.T.O. have been on sale in this country, and other copies thereof no doubt exist and are privately sold and circulated. The new documents of which here I speak and which I have completely reformulated are in the nature of simplified instruction concerning the central secret and much other material of a practical nature stemming from constant experiment carried on in the light of the New Isiac interpretation of AL before mentioned.
The O.T.O. is, however, the parent Order or Body of Wisdom in every sense, radiating as it does the fundamental principles and bases whereupon the above noted constructions and superstructures ultimately rest.