Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[Undated: circa June 1955]



The Babalon working is askew. Pages were missing when I made copies. Did C. [Majorie Cameron] get mad and destroy parts? Did Jack [Jack Parsons]? Ron Hubbard [L. Ron Hubbard], working with him? I told you before, but repeat: A.C. told Jack to prepare the way for this Incarnation, and to tell no one. Jack showed me the letter; then when the Working was finished he wrote out a report and sent me and Roy Leffingwell each a copy. When packing in L.A., I looked for my copy and could not find it. Reea [Rhea Leffingwell] was here the other day. She promised to bring Roy's papers here and the two of us would go over them together. I hope his report will be available.


Do you know the "gorgeous" home on the beach beyond Malibu is the result of Smith's [Wilfred Talbot Smith] complex in re: his "Grandmother's home in England." which burned in him throughout the years. Now, at last, he can thumb his nose at the Cox family, who sent him to the States—of the country gentry, I think; for now he is of the same breed. And he lives up to the role; for Smith has some excellent qualities, as you know, and can be an interesting and affable host.


