Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
1203 Inchon Avenue Barstow, California
October 16, 1955
Dear Karl:
The Holy Books [Volume I, Volume II, Volume III]. Some 30 Years ago I memorised Liber LXV to the middle of the last chapter; and repeated it over and over. But as I think f it now, much of this was for the benefit of the rhythm.
Liber VII, except for Cap IV, because of the strange hieroglyphs. It was my selection, but for an intellectual response, I think;—having no means of getting at these hieroglyphs. Cap VI I omitted entirely, although there were items and still are which please me very much. I am once more memorising Cap VII—this time to get beyond the words Olalam! Imal! Tutulu! Touched me interiorly and I am now using it as a mantra. Three words from that book give life to a new aeon.
Prologue I like immensely, and repeat often. Cap I is practiced for a dance wile at Winona. Cap II is beautiful—but how can one describe them after all? Cap III was the one I chose after turning down IV. Later on I turned to Cap VII: and this now is my daily food. One night recently, between sleeping and waking, I found myself going over this chapter with grace and love flowing through me.
This in answer to your mention of repetition of the Holy Books.
Kenneth [Kenneth Anger]. Why this preservation of the Abbey [Abbey of Thelema] in Cefalu? It apparently fulfilled its purpose. And has now turned to hate. 1746 Winona Boulevard was torn down after we left and later a modern apartment building of two stories put up. 1003 [1003 S. Orange Grove Avenue] was pulled down—so far as I know nothing has been built there. Anger mentions paintings left there? Canvasses apart from the house? If so, why were they not stolen. In our days everything was stolen by the Sicilians, right under our noses.
I painted the Magical Circle on the floor of the Temple room—you may recall it—after A.C. told me what to do and where to place the proper colours. I also did a bit of the Cauchemares. Perhaps you know these walls portrayed Heaven, Earth, and Hell. "Heaven" is on the outside wall, and the "grotesque blue foot" belongs to Aiwass, the central figure; the Scarlet Woman is on the right side of Aiwass. I do not recall the third figure, which is to His left. The three figures in swift motion.
What a pity Kenneth Grant has a copy of the diaries! Or, is it? Who knows? The "Cyclops", and a few other items, must have been added after my going to London. I should like to see the photos. Shall you be given a set?
By the way: I first used Ararita as a daily reading, every night on retiring while in London—not all the I was there. At Winona Boulevard, and again at Fountain Avenue, I used it in a Ritual. Some of it I remember, and items here and there from this set of books, but in a more meditative way.
Love is the law, love under will.
Glad to hear the news of A∴A∴