Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer





[Undated: circa November 1955]



Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] took me to Malibu Tuesday of last week. I got the address from Helen [Helen Parsons] at her Hollywood place of business. She looked radiant when she saw me—was so glad. She looks splendid at present, but her intention is to make a change after she builds up her contacts where she is now located.


Smith's [Wilfred Talbot Smith] operation leaves him weak. He carries on a few light chores, but has to be careful—which he finds quite hard as he was always quite active. I did not ask the nature of the operation but assume it had something to do—if not all—with the prostate gland, which made itself felt while I was still in Hollywood—rather, going to Beachwood Ave. I spent the afternoon with Smith and then went on.


The house and lot are beautiful. The Temple—living-room is noble. He has performed a few rituals. Some of the small items, such as towel racks, are not yet put up from lack of money. The big double garage is to be transformed into sleeping quarters so he can accommodate a guest or two or three. The lot is large and capable of a guest house in the rear—also in front; but that would spoil the view from the Temple room. He has, of course, his vegetable garden—flourishing. He gave me strawberries from the garden.


