Correspondence from Karl Germer to All Members of the O.T.O.





Hampton N.J.

P.O.Box 581



December 16, 1955





It has been reported to me that there are people in Great Britain who are operating in the name of the O.T.O.—ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS—The sole authority for the English-speaking countries rests in the present Frater Superior of the O.T.O., Frater Saturnus, Karl Germer.


There is no one in Great Britain with a valid Charter of the O.T.O. in Great Britain, any activity under that title is therefore spurious.


I hereby appoint Mr. Noel Fitzgerald [Edward Noel Fitzgerald], London W.1. as my personal representative in matters of the O.T.O. for Great Britain—valid until revoked—; to report to me on any illegal claims or activities; meanwhile to take action as he deems advisable.


Karl Germer

Frater Superior O.T.O.

 [11-fold cross] O.T.O.




Noel Fitzgerald Esq.

4 Bentinck Street

London W.1. England.


