Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Philip Kaplan
Forthampton Court, Gloucester.
Telephone, Tewkesbury 2125.
[Undated: circa 1956?]
Dear Kaplan.
Thanks for the Argus Bookshop letter and the diary pages. Charles Stansfeld Jones was Frater Achad.
I cannot date the diary excerpt. It is possible that Miss W is Leila Waddell. If it was in London N might be Victor Neuburg. If in U.S.A. J might be Stansfeld Jones.
I have A.C.'s vellum Goetia with a mass of notes. The John St. John diary MS is what I would like to see. Cannot you put a loan of it so as to copy the many notes not in the printed version?
Karl [Karl Germer] says he has sent you copies of A.C.'s notes in Equinox 1, 4, 5, 6, 7. I when next in London must copy for both of you the notes in 3, 8 ,9 & 10. I have no part 2 or II with his notes in them.
Do send me The Sword of Song notes in time. Typed with page and line number is all I need.
Bought a lovely Rex de Arte Regia sex magic holograph diary for £26 the other day. Must have a typed copy.