Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Philip Kaplan




Forthampton Court,




Tewkesbury 2125.



[Undated: circa 1956?]



Dear Kaplan.


My many thanks for the two copies of In Memoriam [In Memorium - John Yarker]. I had never seen one before.


I am sending you by normal post some photographs from my collection for you to copy—if you want to— and return. Also a contemporary unpublished typescript which is a duplicate.


I will list for you the articles which A.C. wrote in The Fatherland. The trouble is that I do not know the dates on which all of them appeared. But you can check if you have any of them. Some were anonymous.


Will put the stuff in [illegible] time.


I do hope that Sam [Samuel Jacobs] unearths his [illegible] Crowley letters. It was a nice coincidence putting his original letter about the spelling of Therion in Hebrew at the same time that I learned of his existence through you.




Gerald Yorke


