Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
1203 Inchon Avenue Barstow, California
January 19, 1956
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
What is the origin or history of Abiegnus? What Race? What Occult Line? Is Abiegnus indicative of Tiphereth—the Home of Adonai? Or beyond that?
I recall Mont Salvat, the home of Lohengrin which seems to have originated in Spain? The Knights of the Round Table evoke Montsalvat. Or is Lohengrin solely a dramatization of Wagner.
I now feel like resurrecting these Symbols or Peoples; study them, and bring them to life. Why have they been dormant in my mind all these years? My greater interest is in Abiegnus.
There was much I wanted to hear from you, now you will not be here!
Helen Parsons warmed the cockles of my heart this a.m. when in a letter she told me to let her know when I can spend several nights with them, and really learn to know the place.
To strike a different note, Cameron's [Marjorie Cameron's] latest is enclosed. Perhaps it should be returned when next you write—rather, some time, to keep the sequence.
"Send behind the iron curtain for data of Maria" is rather surprising. But you may get good news from someone, some place.
Have had a shocking cold—doctors bills and examinations. Not yet quite over, but on the mend.
Love is the law, love under will
Love to All,