Correspondence from Kenneth Grant to Keith Clifton-Jones
[4 February 1956]
N.I.L. [New Isis Lodge] I am afraid is meeting with very strong opposition and we have already had to 'phone the police to clear away two persistent reporters who were trying for a scoop for the Sketch. It's the recent Picture Post 'do' of Kenneth Anger which may have aroused all the muck to the surface again and things are such that we are temporarily in abeyance, having no privacy to continue in the way in which it was originally designed that we should proceed. And people are such infernal turncoats and treacherous into the bargain. That old fool Gardner, for instance, has been making trouble for us with Prediction so that they will not include our advert. any more; oh! and a hundred and one footling idiotic inanities of the same calibre. It really makes one despair of ever doing anything under such positively hampering conditions.