Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Samuel Jacobs
5, Montagu Square, W.1.
Welbeck 6709.
4 Feb 56
Dear Jacobs.
I mistrust your cabala as far as auMGN is concerned. The au or O sound in the bija mantra om is as important as the consonant, and if you leave it out you both massacre the word and equate it with A.C.'s private system in, to me, a totally arbitrary way.
I am afraid that I am not prepared to help the establishment of a new Epoch in History if by that you mean the establishment of Crowleyanity, as I never accepted The Book of the Law in its totality, and parted with A.C. on these grounds. But I did take a magical oath to preserve his material, and this oath I have kept and am keeping.
I take exception to your signing 'yours with much worship', if by the object of worship you mean myself. I am not a 'sadguru' or saint, and am no more an object suitable for worship than anyone else. But of course if you worship all humanity equally, I have no objection to your use of the term here.
I write thus frankly so that we can to some extent understand one another. There are so many lunatics about with whom it is waste of time to correspond with, still more to meet: and I should hate to think that you are one of them. But then if you are the pure fool of the Tarot, it is all right.
Yours etc
Gerald Yorke
24 Feb
I forgot to post this, and have just found it/ So send it on with apologies for delay. Realizing it sounds rude, but I do not mean it like that.