Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler
Hampton N.J. P.O. Box 581
February 29, 1956
Dear Phyllis,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I still have a letter from you lying here unanswered, dated Dec. 4 (1955, not 1954!) and having just seen the letter you sent to Jane [Jane Wolfe], I had better tell you the latest from here.
As far as the sale of the house goes, it appears I am in process of removing the last serious obstacle. But it will surely last till the Equinox until I shall be able to leave from here. That is three more long, oh, so long!, weeks at the least.
Now for you: I was distressed to hear of your car accident and can only congratulate you that it was not worse, and you or your kids were not seriously injured. You refer to Uranus passing over your Saturn as a possible cause. I don't know the date it occurred. But watch the opposition of Saturn to your radical Mars. Mars loves to cause accidents of that sort! And he will visit you again this year.
However, from the spiritual point of view such aspects, especially Uranus conj. Rad. Saturn, should have a strong, lasting, and repeated influence on your magical growth. Have you had dreams or visions these periods?
I am not in a mood to write long letters these crucial days, weeks, or months. I just attend to routine. Almost all has been packed in cases, made ready for shipment, and I have been living like in a camp for over three months now. Quite trying, as you can imagine. Even now I have not made final plans as to where to ship and store all my stuff. I hope the Equinox will bring an indication and an urge, and settle many things radically. It was a hard Equinox this last for me.
Whatever happens I am looking to visit you, provided all goes well. Meanwhile best of luck to you and your children!
Love is the law, love under will.