Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Philip Kaplan




5, Montagu Square,



Welbeck 6709.



4 March 1956



Dear Mr. Kaplan.


I enclose rather a rough typescript of A.C.'s letters to Montgomery Evans for you to keep. It is copied from my transcript, not from the originals.


I also enclose—this time on loan only—a copy of my catalogue of my Crowley collection. Take any notes you like. You may find the list of literary pseudonyms used by the old sinner useful in tracing his work in American periodicals.


You will probably know of articles by Crowley in American magazines and journals that are unknown to me—see pp 28-32 of the enclosed catalogue, which list all those of which I know. If so, could you send me the name of the magazine, title of article and date of issue in each case.


Could you send me a list of titles and number of pages of all his MSS or typescripts that you have, and which have not been published. Legman for instance thinks that you have a limerick which I do not know.


Lastly could you send me a list of the people whose letters from Crowley you have. If for instance you have those to Louis Wilkinson, having bought them from [G. F.] Sims [book dealer], I can let you have copies of the few A.C. wrote to Wilkinson while in America. I bought these before he sold the balance to Sims. I have transcripts of the latter taken before he sold them. I doubt whether Wilkinson told Sims of this. Have you by any chance the letters written by A.C. to Viereck [George Sylvester Viereck]? I am particularly anxious to get copies of them. Have merely the extracts from the New York booksellers catalogue.


Do send me, in the form of serial numbers from my bibliography at the end of The Great Beast, a list of those published items which you lack. Also from my catalogue a list of the broadsheets that you lack. I will then keep my eye open for them for you. I would sell them for what I gave for them plus postage if they were books. I would not however buy for fancy prices.


I hope that we can work together.


Yours sincerely


G J Yorke


