Correspondence from Philip Kaplan to Gerald Yorke
March 7th '56
Dear Mr. Yorke:
Thanks very much for the ephemera which came to-day, am most anxiously waiting for your catalogue to look over.
Yes, you are right I have a 40(a) [Songs for Italy, Tunis 1923] and (b) [Songs for Italy, London 1923], got them from [G. F.] Sims [book dealer]. In fact I bought from him the following, typescript of A.C.'s letters to Wilkinson [Louis Wilkinson] which you probably have, Liber Aleph typescript 224 pages, plus many other items that have appeared in his catalogue from time to time. Oh yes and one water colour of a landscape and a black and white drawing of a negro head.
I am enclosing stats of some letters that I think should interest you. Notice the one made out to his Trustees, I wonder how that got out? The one to Viereck [George Sylvester Viereck] is good, and the one to Cosgrove is typical. Which reminds that I had the opportunity to buy a small diary that he had given to Cosgrove. Sorry I did not get it, I thought it too expensive at the time.
I mentioned to you that I have the mss of Mortaldello, here is a description. It is written on 217 pages of 8 x 11 paper, plus all the notes and preface. There is a stage plan drawing that does not appear in the book. The mss is bound in plain gray board covers.
I still have not seen the books that belonged to Evans [Montgomery Evans] my dealer has not unpacked them but promised to show them this week. Do you have the typescript catalogue (19 pages) of his books, Essays, Political Essays, Astrology, Stories, Movie plots etc, etc. I found this lost among Evan's papers.
There are a few more letters pasted down in books but they do not seem important enough to copy. However you can have any stat of what I have just say the word. Incidentally I am in the art business where we have a stat machine almost next door to my office, so don't hesitate the photostats cost me nothing. Yes, I would like to have a stat copy of A.C.'s diary but I am afraid it will cost me too much. How big is it and how much do you think it will cost? I'm not worried about the censor. If necessary I could have the stats picked up by brother-in-law Doctor when he gets to London in June.
Do you know where I can buy some of Crowley's paintings? Do you have a catalogue of his paintings? I'm going to write to the names you mentioned for new A.C. material. If you know of anyone who has any rare books of his for sale please give them my name.
By the way I know a few people who knew A.C. when he was in America. Sam Jacobs (Aiwas) [Samuel Jacobs] is a good friend of mine and Ben Abramson the bookdealer who published "Pan" [Hymn to Pan].