Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan




Hampton N.J.



Mr. Philip Kaplan

Long Island City.



March 29, 1956.



Dear Mr. Kaplan:


Thank you for your letter. Wednesday, April 4 is perfectly agreeable to me. So I shall be at the Information Booth in the Grand Central Station at 6 p.m. on that day.


Gerald Yorke writes to me that he has asked you to send him a list of the Mss., Letters, etc. etc. and books that you have in your collection. He would, of course, send me a copy. If you have already made this list I should appreciate it if you would be good enough to give me a copy to look at when we meet.


Please give my regards to Sam Jacobs [Samuel Jacobs], and I am looking forward to seeing you.




Karl Germer


