Correspondence from Edward Noel Fitzgerald to Philip Kaplan
4 Bentinck Street, London, W.1. England.
March 30th. 1956.
Dear Mr. Kaplan.
Gerald Yorke gave me your address the other day when I called on him, and told me that you were interested in drawings by Aleister Crowley, and suggested that I write to you.
I have in fact some drawings, four of which I enclose, and I am willing to dispose of two of them if you are interested. Details prices etc. are marked on the back of each photograph. Most of them were given to me by Crowley in the thirties (or I bought them from him when he was hard up, as he so often was) and I am only offering them now as Gerald has told me that you are a keen collector of Crowley.
I have an almost complete collection, and I would be very interested to know what you have, and what you still require. I have about 30 duplicates, so may be able to help you out. On the other hand, I require the following items, and would be most grateful if you could help me get any of them on your side of the Atlantic.
Alice [Alice: an Adultery]. 1st. edition in green wrappers. Snowdrops From A Curates Garden.
If you have Cammell's [Charles Cammell] book on A.C., it is my bibliography that appears at the end. It was done in a hurry, and lacks a pamphlet "John Yarker" [In Memorium - John Yarker] and also the "Manifesto to Man". Unfortunately it has not been reprinted, so I have not been able to add them.
Yours sincerely.
E. Noel Fitzgerald