Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
Hampton N.J. P.O. Box 581
May 29, 1956.
Dear Mr. Kaplan:
Believe it or not: this morning, when taking out a suit that I use very rarely out here, I found two letters in its pockets, one, the last one from you, the other, an envelope with Mr. Jacobs' [Samuel Jacobs] address! I was ready to write to London for your addresses, as all my files with your previous letters had been packed long ago!
What I wanted to write you at once was to thank you for your splendid hospitality and and [sic] the fine dinner. I really appreciated it. Also I wanted to let you know when at long last the last obstacles were removed to allow me to leave for California. Thank God, this moment seems near. The Closing date for the sale of this house has been set for May 31, and I expect to leave about June 5.
I knew I had made a list of the things I had promised to send you; this also I have now recovered! What a mess I have been in!
I must be in New York June 1 for the last time to attend to important matters; I would have liked to arrange for one more meeting, as many things had occurred to me. Alas! this will be impossible. So, we must leave it—I trust for the moment only. Please give my kindest to Mr. Jacobs: the meeting with him has left an unusually deep and lasting impression. I feel I could talk to him for hours on spiritual things.
It is impossible to guess when I will be able to open he cases in California, but just as soon as I can I shall send you and Mr. Jacobs the things I have noted down on my list.
I hope we will keep in touch. For the moment let me remain
Sincerely yours
Karl Germer