Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Philip Kaplan




5 Montagu Square

London. W.1.


Welbeck 6709.



27 July [1956?]



Dear Kaplan.


I bought the Crowley diary (holograph) at Christies for £26.


Borrow from Karl [Karl Germer] the Commentary on the Book of Lies. You will find it well worth reading. It is one of my favourite books by A.C. The commentary is far longer than the book.


The only way by which one can be certain to check whether a poem has been printed or not is by the first line. A.C. so often changed the titles. There is an index of first lines in the Collected Works. Unfortunately I never read poetry, not even A.C.'s, so cannot help you.


Am most interested in all the diary scraps that you may come across, and look forward wildly to getting photostats of them.


If Karl cannot send you the typescript of the comment I could mail you my copy, which contains a MS story and a lot of emendations to the Comment in A.C.'s hand. But Karl has an unbound typescript of it.


Karl is a nice but curious man. He deals with his correspondence in spurts, not writing a letter for a month or two and then catching up. I ignore this and wait, but if I want an answer quickly I write again. One gets it in time. There is nothing personal about it, he is just made that way.




Gerald Yorke


