Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Samuel Jacobs




Forthampton Court,




Tewkesbury 2125.



12 Aug 56



Dear Mr. Jacobs.


I am writing you in the hopes that you can turn up and send to Kaplan or myself for copy and return any letters from my old friend Aleister Crowley that you may have kept. He always had a special regard for you.


I bought at Sotheby's the other day a typescript of his Amalantrah working in New York and with it was your original letter spelling Therion in Hebrew to make it add to 666. Aleister always thought this remarkable, as on the day that you wrote it he had asked M to get the correct spelling clairaudiently from Amalantrah at one of their weekly seances. Her reply was nonsense, but the query was answered correctly in your letter. And then there was the coincidence of name Aiwas.


Am interested in your plan for a common alphabet. Have you anything on the subject that you could let me read?


Yours sincerely


Gerald Yorke.


