Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler




Barstow, Cal.

601 Frances Drive



October 4, 1956



Dear Phyllis,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours with interpretation of Meeka's [Meeka Aldrich] nativity. I must really admire it. You are more than an ordinary astrologer. Having, with hard work, mastered the fundamentals, you have risen above it, and probably will more, so that you almost become prophetic. Frankly, I was amazed, the more so as it was surely done rather quickly, as you must be overburdened with work and daily routine.


But I have seen earlier carefully worked-out analyses from you; it seems that you have reached a stage where you contact powers that inspire, instead of the more rational interpretation. Anyway, I remember I had taken your interpretation of my chart, done with care years ago, as a message.


Here is "Henry" Coon's chart, the real boss of the show. Despite your heavy load, if you can do it, look into this chart which seems quite interesting. If the time of birth is correct, what I generally never like in a horoscope is the Dragon's tail in the First. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] has it, and a number of people in my life, who all had some spiritual defect. A German lady-astrologer once told me: "watch out for such; you must be careful".


4 planets in Taurus gives extraordinary strength and firmness, and all in the 12th, too! And Taurus is an imprisoned sigh, i.e. has no place on a cusp. Similar to yours, all planets, except Uranus are in the East, 7 houses without planets.


The woman is an "early-ripe". She began a business of her own, successfully and operated it at 16. Then studied Mechanical Engineering at Columbia, has degrees, and can take up study of any scientific subject at will. She has extraordinary will power, firmness; can hold her own in strenuous discussions with several cagey people; is 6 ft tall; worked her scheme with great success up to 1941-42; then had a severe accident, also her husband died, and in despair or frustration chucked the whole thing, retire to a beautiful spot in Arizona. Meeka had had business dealings with her while M.[eeka] had a job in an industrial company and knew her product. Took endless pains to trace her, with success after 3 years of search. Then set about to infuse new hope and courage into her. The result is mostly her own work. "Henry" had another accident where she broke her back, and can no longer drive about, so Meeka does all the outer things for her. (I suspect that a much closer relation existed between them at one time.)


Now, my position is this: my exclusive concern is with being able to print many books beginning 1959, Spring. I am not interested in "millions" of anything, except printed words.


Another aspect: Sascha [Sascha Germer] came to Las Vegas, because there is a Savings Bank that pays 5% and she had invested her money there while she was still in the East. I saw her Sunday, because Meeka (her mother also is a voice teacher in L.A.) had trained a man in Escondido, who set up a voice studio there, and is so busy that he needs an assistant. Besides, his wife is pregnant, and Meeka told me y'day on the phone that he wants to give up (sell?) his studio. I think this is a godsend for Sascha who is now eager to begin again. Should she be able to make a living, she would like to invest her cash into this Mine-Metals venture. It is for that reason also that I feel a responsibility. But on general terms I accept this thing as arranged by the Gods for the sole purpose to enable us to do what has to be done shortly—and no more. Others can make the "millions" if they care.


I wish Grady [Grady McMurtry] before meeting Dorey, would be able to do a little practices, so as to subdue somewhat his all-too-strong intellectual approach, which hits me always in the eye. May-be I'm wrong, and you are better judge of him. Incidentally, did I, or did he, send you his birth data? If not, here it is: Born Oct. 18, 1918, Oklahoma 7 a.m.


I get a 3°49 Scorpio rising, [Neptune in] 9° Leo in X. Sun is in 24°20 Libra exact trine Uranus. A.C. always expected much from him. That trine gives that particularly fine aspiration that A.C. liked. His Sun also has a sextile to Saturn in 25° Leo in X.


Enough now. Too long already.


Love is the law, love under will.






