Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler




Barstow, Cal.

601 Frances Drive



October 12, 1956



Dear Phyllis,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


How delightful your letters are, though they are of need written under time-pressure. This, incidentally, you should will to change; I have been reading in Newsweek issue of last issue which Jane [Jane Wolfe] gets, how overworked American school teachers are; it is more than a shame.)


I must send this note off at once, so as to reach you before you see Grady [Grady McMurtry]. He wrote me a long letter with a $10 check. I don't press him; all I want is that he say a word so that I know where I am.


In my reply a few days ago, I urged hem to thelemically prepare himself for the meeting with Dorey, and NOT MAKE IT A SOCIAL AFFAIR, which will only lead to a gossip session.


Naturally, you protect your sex, when speaking of Foxie [Marjorie Fox]. Her very fear of ever losing her man creates a sinister magical aura. I wonder how it is that you do not see certain magical facts which are dealt with in LXV, iii, first part in dealing with Than, Theli, Lillith; each one of these phases has to be dealt with by the aspirant; each is an ordeal of severe nature, according to the awareness, past karmic experiences of an aspirant in that particular field. I don't for a moment view Foxie as the Lillith; even; she'd probably be only the Than or Theli type or function. Grady will be of no use to the Order unless he masters these demons.


Keep all this to your bottom self!


I won't go into your astrology re Grady at the moment. May do so another time.


It may well be that Dorey's attachment, as long as it is not broken, will hold him back until he can do it. It is in that field that I am obliged to admire W.T. Smith's clear vision; though, I believe he fell into another exaggeration, and so another abyss.


One could write a book on the subject, but Wagner in Parsifal, describes the Kundry problem clearly enough, with the "flower maidens" serving as the first assault on the weaker Knights to the Grail. Parsifal, though successful, was the slow poke; instead of the path of Raja Yoga, the royal, the direct, he went probably the Karma Yoga which permitted him only after endless wanderings and experiences to reach the Grail. He had a pure soul, that saved him. Grady, I hope, has that purity of aspiration; only his appeal to his H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] can save him. He has a long way to go, I'm afraid.


Enough now, I begin to gossip.


Love is the law, love under will.






Oh, I forgot: thanks for the $10 check. Please don't worry. I am sure times will improve for you.


