Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler
Barstow, Cal. 601 Frances Drive
Nov. 1, 1956
Dear Phyllis,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letters are different. They force one to go a little below the surface. I'll do what I can, though I am at the moment to much preoccupied with decisive and cranky problems. )The most important is that of Sascha [Sascha Germer], which seems to be near a first solution.)
Dion Fortune's book was sent to me by Jane [Jane Wolfe], but, I'm ashamed to say I did not read it. If what you quote is her theory, it seems plausible to me, or could be; I would not say now. That some sort of such a relation exists has long been known to me' may-be she has it from Blavatsky [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky] or elsewhere. But why do you say you have to break a lance (or however you express it) for your sex? Look at the Stélé [Stélé of Revealing]: is not Horus worshipped by the Beast? Do never misconstrue the fact that the Head of A∴A∴ is the Silver Star, not the Golden Star. I have an idea that a Star can take a male or female body in any particular incarnation. It don't make no diff. But if it takes a female body it just cannot function as the creative genius; yet, even as a female incarnation its accomplishments can be overpowering: compare Semiramis, Cleopatra, Katherina the Great, Elizabeth, Blavatsky, Jeanne D'Arc, and so many others. I could say more, but can only whisper it into a silent ear. Besides I'm yet a learner.
Kundry: the way Wagner shows her I agree with most of what you say. Is she smaller because she functions as a woman? Would you prefer a reversion to the matriarchal age—because you say the last aeon was paternal?
The root of the matter? (your § 3). I don't know, but here is an aspect. Most men and women are primitive, in an early stage of magical evolution; they have not begun the lesson of control of different functions. But even if they have a long past behind them, if they have skipped one or two incarnations, have forgotten, they have to re-learn the relation between woman and man. So, they have to go through the Than, Theli, Lilith experience slowly, painfully, until they reach the Snake of Emerald stage. (One thing in passing: as you must have found in 418 [The Vision and the Voice], A.C. commented, was it in the 3rd Æthyr, that may-be Alostrael—Leah Hirsig played the role of Lilith? in his life? You see, Lilith has marvelous qualities which baffle even the Magus. Though in this instance I won't be too positive at all. Just food for thought.
Another aspect: why should men and women not have to face and pass similar problems and ordeals? Oswald Spengler had a word about women who, independent stars, master sex, and rise above the usual type of men. This, of course, only when they ripen magically, and are no longer slaves. I think many movie stars belong in that category, also "grand amoureuses" of the French type. I believe it all boils down to the need for a woman to know as many males as possible and for a man equally. In fact, I think a woman has the edge, for she can always, a man, not.— — No: we must not worship Hadit! It is He that worships.
'Danger'? That exists for both alike. It may be generally to fall into a rut, to refuse or have to make new experiences, to be afraid to face the unknown, to begin a habit-human, a bourgeois, to love comfort, to yearn for 'rest'. Every relation between two tends to be habit forming; stimulus ceases; passion ends; I doubt if—as you write—"if a man still loves his wife . . .". If you live too long with one man it becomes drudgery, even he be great. If you are a Queen in your own right and can match his stature, there will come a point when tension stops; that, I believe is the time for her to strike out towards a new mountain peak and climb it.
In other words, my thesis is not yours, that the old Aeon is to blame. The law is for both alike, has ever been. May-be not so in America where matrimony is sanctified by law, habit, economics, and religion. But take the prominent Americans, men or women: they break through this bondage. Except that in other countries marriage need not be dissolved specially, each simply goes her or his way; there is no heart-balm, or ostracism, to make it impossible, difficult, or profitable.
Kundry: § 3 p. 3. It is a matter, it seems, of what genus or magical family she or Kundry belongs to. Klingsor belonged to what we call the Black tradition. Kundry essentially to the White. She fell under the power of Klingsor, true, because he was strong. But I say: strength is not the criterion, not alone. Kundry became the servant of the G.W. [Great Work] not because Parsifal was, possibly, strong, but because she was from time immemorial sword to serve the G.W. If you seek long enough with infinite patience for your Parsifal, he will turn up some day, I'm sure.
Why your constant against, or defense of, your sex? I have no such thought of finding fault with it. There is no mention of "marriage" in Liber Legis anywhere. Only love.
Lilith: I wonder whether she can ever be put on the throne of Nuit (your § 1 p. 3). I believe she belongs to the demonic world, at least in her temporary function. As such, the magician has nothing to do but to learn and understand her function, then destroy her in that function. The Universe is so vast, there are always, phase; and the number of these phases is endless; on hundred years even for one "who does run forward so fast" as A.C., are not enough to go through all of them.
In closing let me say that my philosophy n all of this is, that the goal for every one is to become a Sanyasi, or Sanyasina' where worldly aspirations have ceased or been overcome, so that all personal needs are confined to a rice bowl, a spoon and shoes and dress for walking. Then let the spiritual light shine. Marriage or the lust for living with a companion do not exist. they may be taken up as a temporary burden for one particular job to be done.
Do over come your inferiority complex re women. There are some women around who have reached, or are near, the Sanyasina stage, I believe, if they would only begin to realise it and live like it in full consciousness, then disquiet of mind and false seeking will drop off automatically.
Love is the law, love under will.
Stimulate more letters where one has to dive deeper!
Yours, Karl