Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Ernst von Harringa
[20 November 1956]
Germer [Karl Germer] arrived west a few months ago. He is what his letters over a period of years revealed to me. Only he is more so. He is 6 months older than I am, but is mentally I consider him in bad shape. Frankly I don't think it is just his years, or the bad accident he experienced, but that it had never been overly bright. I am trying to be tolerant, as there is a pretty good chance of the material left to him by AC might yet land on these 3 acres of terra firma. It is impossible for me to have any conversation with him. He always takes refuge in that terribly thread bare cloak of mysticism. Not that I am sceptical of genuine mysticism, but the true mystic doesn't use it in conversation to hide his mental weakness.