Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan




Barstow, Cal.

601 Frances Drive



December 19, 1956.



Dear Mr. Kaplan:


I have your last note of Nov. 12 still on—where?—I should write "desk", but there is none. Anyway, unanswered, here. But this is the season to exchange Greetings, so I want to send you my best wishes for the Winter Solstice and the New Year! Please convey the same to Sam Jacobs [Samuel Jacobs] whose address I have completely mislaid.


Looking back I see the Summer here in the desert as a sort of nightmare, and realise that it is unfair to judge California only from that experience. The climate in the Fall and Winter is exquisite, the air bracing, dry, clear, I see the Sun rising over the distant mountain ranges every morning, there is no fog, smog, or clouds hiding its brilliance. No rain, so far, since I have been here.


I'm sure if you'd visit Los Angeles at this time you would not want to flee from the accursed spot so quickly. Anyway, I have no thought of going back to the East. We hear much of the snow, slush and misery that you have there now!


One of these days, my cases will be unpacked and set up. Nothing positive in sight as yet.




Karl Germer


