Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler
[Undated: circa January 1957]
Upshot: he [Aleister Ataturk] misbehaved in such a dreadful way that he was finally and forever chased out. He steals, lies, destroys (may well be deliberately, wantonly) valuable machinery, so that everything had to be locked up in his presence. His record is: Hampton 6 months—Sascha [Sascha Germer] does not want to see him again in her life; Joe Crombie, who poured his money and life-blood out to help him in Newark, N.J. "Never again!" He must have done something awful to produce that effect (he never told me what it was. Paul Millikin who gave him a well-paid job in his office—disgusted by his under-handed telephoning to Mrs. Millikin behind everybody's back to enlist her help in scheming and lying. Ray [Ray Burlingame] & Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] gave him shelter, food, pocket money and love: they refuse to let him come again to their house.
Meeka [Meeka Aldrich] drove him (with an ex-Sergeant) to Los Angeles: to enlist: they can't take him because of defective feet. I threatened to have him deported: he had $2.50 in his pocket, Meeka paid for his food and room for 2 days: he says he made $5. one morning "working"—on what? and says he'd make another $5. in the afternoon. He is intractable; wants to prove himself without help from ANYBODY. He is going to show us!
I see only one solution, that his H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] takes him in hand. He has a fine sensitivity and can hear the voice. If he follows it, things may work out.
He cannot take or keep a job where capacity to read and write or to count is required. (The last time I test him before 6 people: how much is 7 x 8? He did not know, nor could he figure it out!
It is tragic: even menial jobs are futile. He was given a job to help in a construction job. They kept him 5 days. Then the Headman told me: we had to fire him: he does more damage and hardly any help to pay him. ($1.00 an hour).