Correspondence from Alexander Watt to Samuel Jacobs




P.O. Box 74 Kitchener

Ontario, Canada



S.A. Jacobs Esq:

The Golden Eagle Press

Mount Vernon

New. York.



January 26th 1957 E.V.



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


Our industrious and aspiring Chela, Nemilius Filious, yclept (in time) Harold Kurchenska of this City, has shown me some material that has been issued from your Press and which is reminiscent of our departed Brother and Master, the late Aleister Crowley. You may be aware that he would never be satisfied with anything that he caused to have printed, that was not put out in the highest and most sublime fashion and on Van Gelder or similar paper. We count ourselves fortunate in having most of his works, including The Book of Thoth.


The Tarot cards in connection therewith, we are at the moment figuring a way to publish, and also the Commentary on the Book of the Law.


Among the papers you sent to Harold, was a Brochure "In Memorium - John Yarker." We have not seen it in this form before this, but have done so in the Volume of the Equinox. If you have a spare copy of this we would like very much to have one and will be glad to reimburse you for the cost of mailing it, and its cost.


We will be glad to hear from you at your convenience and place ourselves at your Command.


Love is the law, love under will.






