Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Karl Germer
Dear Karl:
Returned from S.F. [San Francisco] this a.m. and thank you for your letter. Am afraid, in my haste, I gave you wrong impression. There is no panic. The idea of finding someone to take over this office is something that I have toying with for the last 6 or 4 months. If accomplished, it would not have been anything sudden. It would have taken at least 3 or 4 mos. to put it over at a time when things would have improved here. Now, I can always make a go of it. It is only that all things combined had got me fed up. Will explain when I see you.
Appreciate very much the information you give me regarding my horoscope. It seems that in my case it has always been one of my "ruling stars" rising above circumstances. However, I should like to ask you one favor. Please do not discuss my problems with anyone. Do not give my birth date and hour to anyone. Other than having the Neophyte point the way, I do not think one's karma should be interfered with. It does not do one anygood. In the past, in that area, everyone knew everyone else's personal problems. Such seemed to be Jane's policy. First thing you know, someone might even try to do "magical work" in behalf of one in apparent need. Something that could do very little good if any, but could easily lead to the contrary. One must stand on one's own hind legs, or at least try to do so. Such have always been my feelings. That is why during my Los Angeles difficulties, I asked for the good will of all, but a hands-off policy otherwise. I know you will understand and will not mistake my feelings with pride.
I like very much what you tell me about the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel]. He knows my trully and that I always endeavor to Listen to Him. I think that my behavior and steadfastness in the last few years proves that.
Hope that you find a solution to your problem of a place. I thought that was the idea in moving west in the first place. From what you tell me about your wife Sascha [Sascha Germer], it ought not to be very difficult.
As to my affairs in public. For sometime I have felt that I must gradually cut it out. Fact is it does not, and never has, helped me financially but it has contributed to give me a small amount of prestige in the community; to become known. Service work, if nothing else, is good karma. I am however letting most of it go gradually. Have just accepted to be president of the Junta Patriotica Mexicana. The mexican consul appointed me and I could not refuse. He has been a friend of mine for many years. As good a friend as diplomats can be. However, my main responsibility shall be to organize and preside over the mexican patriotic celebrations of the 5th of May and 16th of Sept. I plan to take it as easy as I can and have my committee do most of the work if possible.
Plan to be in Los Angeles the first part of April. Have a galvanic to be checked by the manufacturers. If we do not see each other sooner, at that time we shall no doubt have a chance to talk things over fully.