Correspondence from Alexander Watt to Samuel Jacobs
P.O. Box 74 Kitchener Ontario, Canada
S.A. Jacobs Esq: 34 North Bond Street Mt. Vernon. N.Y.
March 11th 1957 E.V.
Care et V.H.Fratere:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
We have duly received your welcome message of the 7th instant together with enclosures, letter to you from Saturnus [Karl Germer] and one from Gerald Yorke.
Your Salutation we can assure you is in no wise merited nor correct. We have through the years made a slight journey with the Caravan towards the City of the Pyramide, but regret that ofttimes we find our feet aweary and the sands burning. We can however, echo with el Yezdi:
Cease man to mourn, to weep, to wail; Enjoy thy shining hour of Sun; We dance along life's icy brink, but is the Danse less full of fun?
We spent a few very happy hours with Yorke in London in 1953 and met his charming lady. As of course you know, he has an amazing collection of Crowleyana, and is constantly adding to it. We are fortunate that at least one has the wherewithal to attend to this very necessary matter.
Therion put me in touch with Saturnus some years ago and I met him on several occasions. In fact we were able to accomplish a great deal in copying MSS for him, the last being Liber Legis which we readied for offset. That was more than a year ago and nothing has been done about it as yet. Saturnus suddenly ceased writing to me without any known reason about that time and I know nothing further about him. We notice from his letter to you that he is now at Barstow, and we know that several others are located there. Fratre Israh∴ and his wife came from Berlin and are in the U.S. and perhaps with him. Quien sabe? Your appraisal of Germer in our opinion, is trite. Which is quite right!
We read your letter with attentive ear—we DO read—and found its beat melodious. We, while seeking LVX continuously, and in all places, find that the Qabalah, and the Hebrew Sigils, sans pointing, sound the Pythagorian Music of the Spheres closer than 'ought' else, which is as it should be, for are they NOT Holy?
We look forward to meeting you in the flesh some time, meanwhile in closing, let us again say that we are only one of the lessor Neophytes treading the Path to the summit of Mount Abneigus.
Love is the law, love under will.