Correspondence from Maat Khephera (Alexander Watt) to Philip Kaplan




Philip Kaplan, Esq.

47-17, 39th Avenue,

Long Island City 4,




March 13th 1957 ev.



Care Fratre:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


Thank you for your welcome letter of the 11th with 'In Memorium JOHN YARKER.' We of course have this in our Equinox volumes, but not apart as this is and we will treasure it. Under separate cover we are sending you a copy of ROSY CROSS which perhaps you have seen. If not, you may observe some interesting Chapter headings which occur in other places, notably with John Davenport ca 1850 and around 1891 in sundry philosophical works. Should you fins time to read it—you do Read?—we would like your opinion of it. If Mr. Jacobs [Samuel Jacobs], or any other of your friends who are Readers, would like a copy, we will be glad to see that one is sent to them, gratis.


The Gnostic Abraxas artwork, is a sheet of many similar we have on hand to include in a Monograph on Phallicism we hope to produce when the time is ripe. It is sent you at this time and was prompted by your remark re the creative force of Aleister. The Flaming God is rampant and 'inwardly' productive of tremendous possibilities. We are convinced that your friend Sir, Samuel Aiwas [Samuel Jacobs] is, in his sphere, an artist 'nulli secundus' and it may transpire that 'the moving finger' shall direct him to produce Liber AL Commentary which, when it is un fait fait accompli, will cause a cry to echo, not only along the shores of the Mediterranean, but throughout Christendom, 'The Great Pan has arisen!'


The spluttering and crackling of the faggots and the stench of scorched flesh of that tragic day in March 1313, is still in our nostrils. So much so as we write these words that we would remind all those who bear arms that Jacabus Molinious is about to appear in our Encampment once again, and we would remind all True and Worthy Knights and Squires to hold aloft their torches lit at His pyre and shout.


Nil Desperandum!


Love is the law, love under will.


With Fraternal Blessings,


MAAT KHEPHERA [Alexander Watts]


