Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan




2432 Laurel Pass

Hollywood 46, Calif.



June 30, 1957.



Dear Mr. Kaplan:


Just received yours of June 27.


I came back from Lava just a week ago and found myself swamped with work and was negligent enough not to write at once.


Thanks for offering a duplicate of your photostat, but i don't think this is necessary. If you will be good enough to return it to above address, Insured, it will be fine.


If it is not too much trouble to you, would you mind to send me a list of all the Crowleiana that you have collected—when you have the time.


Yes, my wife [Sascha Germer] and I had a wonderful time up North, it is dry, over 5,000 feet up—where I am in my best form—and the Hot Springs are really marvellous for the aged body. I feel ever so much better, and younger. In fact, I walked up high mountains like a 30 year old, instead of my going on to 73!


With kindest regards,




Karl Germer


