Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Sascha Germer





Fresno, California



January 13, 1958



Mrs. André Germer

West Point, Calif.



Dear Mrs. Germer:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your kind letter of the 9th was received on the 11th and I answer promptly in order to relieve your fears and your anxiety.


Begging your pardon, Madam, I must tell you that I consider your letter out of order. Because the nature of my letter to Karl [Karl Germer], was in fact, an official communication to the O.H.O.


Now, both you and Karl have misunderstood the tenor and intention of the portion of my letter to which you make reference. Would you please read it again? What I say in that respect is purely along the Lines of wishful thinking; for I bring out the fact that you are so far away, which thought, definitely rules out the possibility of any undesirable intrusion upon your private property and peace of mind by my humble person.


Please let the above clear up your, shall we say, unnecessary statement, and I quote from your letter:

"The idea to buy a trailer and put it up on our property is out of the question as we have so far only two acres of land and we do not want to be crowded or disturbed under any circumstances."

And, so mote it be, dear friend! Please allow me to point out, that the thought or desire to imply that I would have liked to pay you frequent visits in the manner expressed, was no doubt in response to the hunger that is within my heart for communion with kindred spirits, and particularly with the appointed head, because not knowing the exact nature of his office, in my child-like thinking and premature spiritual development, I thought that his duty was for him to be like a spiritual father radiating peace, love and harmony, with the accent upon union, among those earnest aspirants who have risked all in order to follow the Thelemic Path, the which, as all of us know, is not strewn with roses. This inner urge for fellowship, for it was so evidenced in the letter that Bro Grady [Grady McMurtry] wrote Karl recently and which I was allowed to read.


Before closing, please allow me to point out also, that I am not the sort of person that would impose upon others. I do not know whether it is my heritage, or my nationality or both, but somehow it is quite impossible for me to be that way. I have always found it easier to give than to receive. Not long ago in Los Angeles, after having lost all that I had and all that I was, I oftentimes preferred to go hungry and sleep in my car rather than to crowd or disturb anybody, and this even if the brothers I have in mind have always given love and whatever else they have had to give, from the heart.


I do most sincerely hope and trust that having forgotten my hat at your place, and having taken over my beautiful painting of the Easter Therion for a short visit there, will not be construed by you and much less by Karl, as an indication on my part of wanting to get a foothold into your property.


And above all, I would consider it a great favour if I am not discusses with your guests, particularly about the misconcept about my wanting to set up a trailer on your property.


Love is the law, love under will.






P.S. I hope the books I sent Karl are to his liking. Please tell him that I do not find it convenient to have his "Ye Sword of Song" bound in this city. Will however have his Amphora bound and shall take both to him on my next trip to San Francisco when I shall have time to stop by on my way for a few minutes. Will pick up my painting then.


