Correspondence from Karl Germer to Robert Lund




Karl Germer

Box 258

West Point, Calif.



Mr. Robert Lund

8503 Hartwell Street

Detroit 28, Mich.



March 24, 1958.



Dear Mr. Lund:


I have just received a letter from Dr. [John P.] Kowal giving me the gist of his telephone conversation with you. You put me in a very difficult situation. I would want to acquire the books in question but have no idea what books they are. How can I form a judgment of what they are worth to me?


On the other hand these books and manuscripts were the property of Mr. Aleister Crowley, and while I have no doubt that you have acquired them in a perfectly legitimate way, I have no other claim than the moral one as the executor of the Estate of the late Crowley. It is in that sense that I appeal to you to help me re-acquire them for the Foundation whose mission is to collect the writings of this ill-understood man scattered all over the planet.


Please understand that there is no thought of contesting your rights. What I want to enlist is your help. I can only repeat what I have said in my last letter to you. I suggest that you tell me the name of your dealer and that you arrange for him to give me the titles of the books and manuscripts that he has and a reasonable price for the whole collection.


Secondly, that you will permit me later to inspect the material which you have decided to keep and make some notes as to their contents.


I am rushing this letter off, it is Saturday and the Post Office closes at noon, so I must hurry to catch it having to drive 6 miles.


Very truly yours


