Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Robert Lund
5 Montagu Square. London. W.1.
Mr. Robert Lund, 8503 Hartwell Street Detroit 28 Michigan
22 March 58
Dear Sir,
My friend Karl Germer tells me that you have acquired for your collection some MSS of the late Aleister Crowley which were in storage in Detroit. Originally there were two boxes or cases in storage there and I have in my own collections the MS diaries and note-books from the other box or case. My items consist of the following.
1. The Book of the Operation of Abramelin the Mage (1900). 2. Diary Jan to May 1901. 3. Rough workings for the Temple of L.I.L. in Mexico City. Jan - May 1901. 4. The writings of truth. Aug - Oct 1901. 5. Details of work. June, July 1903. 6. An account of the phenomena obtained by Abhavananda. Summer 1903. 7. The Rituals of Ra Hoor Khuit. 1904. 8. Details of work March to Dec 1905. 9. Magical Working with Soror Virakam Oct to Dec 1911. 10. Rex de Arte Magica Feb 1916-Sept 1918. 11. Diary 28 June 1916 - 6 March 1917. 12. Diary 7 March 1917 - March 1918. 13. Part of the Amalantrah Working (9 March to 20 Apr 1918). 14. Diary Dec 25 1919 to Dec 20 1920.
My copies of 9 and 13 are incomplete, with 9 I only have the first half. Also number 10 is only the thirs of the three Rex de Arte Magica diaries. If you have either of the other two, I can probably help you, as I can read most of the cypher in which the actual details of what A.C. did are concealed.
I would much appreciate if you could have copied for me, or send me to copy and return, any diary or magical MS material not in the above list. I could in return let you have typescripts of my material as listed above.
I have duplicates of the following ephemera, and could give them to you if you would like them.
1. 2 variants of Liber OZ with different Tarot designs on the back (cards) 2. An Open Letter to Lord Beaverbrook 4. Thumbs Up 5. Songs for Italy No. 1 Tyrol
I also have a mass of duplicate typescripts, too long to list. But I could send you a list for you to choose from, if you allow me to have copies of the original MS material you have acquired in those cases where I do not have a copy.
I wrote the bibliography at the end of John Symonds book The Great Beast, and have all but 5 items listed in it
Yours sincerely
G. J. Yorke
P.S. I understand that you are selling or have already sold a number of items that you do not want. I have put Harold Mortlake—a book dealer and friend of mine—on to tracing them. If he buys them, I can acquire any item that I might want from him.