Correspondence from Philip Kaplan to Robert Lund
Office No. TR-1-2230
March 24 - 1958
Dear Mr. Lund:
Thank you for calling me back I appreciate the immediate action you have taken.
As soon as I get your list—I will carefully check the items—and if I find the 107 volumes to my interest—I will call you either at your home or office.
I agree to return intact your complete list—at once—if for any reason I decide not to buy the books.
The manuscripts interest me as much as the books—I should like to have the opportunity of buying these along with the books at the same time.
In regards to the mss—you state that the person who buys the books will have first choice at the mss—I hope to be that person. When it is convenient for you could you thusly send me a list of the mss in the collection for study.
I do hope to meet with you in N.Y. and sincerely hope we can settle the purchase price of the books quickly.
Thank you again.
Yours truly