Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Karl Germer
Rt. 3, Box 479 San Jose, Calif.
March 26, 1958
Dear Karl
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Greetings of the Equinox of Spring.
Ever since the Equinox I have wanted to write this letter. Even before—but strangely enough—not only is the teaching a strain so that I let everything I ought to go—but events have been simply fantastically bad for a long while. Even now I can hear you question—what has been wrong?
And I do not want to speak of it as it involves other people—hit me directly—but still badly enough. Suffice it to say that Lisa must now be boarded with my aunt near San Luis Obispo and I must pay the extra for the boars.
That's not all—debts on Bill [Ward]'s business have been staggering and we are at our wits end to figure how to meet everything. The sale of this property will bring some relief but meanwhile to do that we must secure a quit-claim deed from his former wife and that we are not able to do for the last several months. So we will realize nothing on this if the Bank forecloses.
All of which makes me double curious about your magical attacks. All these happenings seem to have a basis in Astrology. Transiting Saturn is going across Bill's Sun and is now conjunct his Moon is Sagittarius. At the same time this same Saturn is opposing my own Sun and Moon. Best thing to do—as I can see it—is to wait out the storm as best one might.
But I must confer with you about magical attacks and learn all that you might be willing to teach me. Why don't you use banishing rituals and so on? This is a long involved subject so I intend to try to get up there some time during the summer to talk about it.
Have you heard any news about Jane [Jane Wolfe]? I've heard nothing since you told me you took her back to L.A.
Please let me know how you and Sascha [Sascha Germer] are. Did you have snow there this winter? Were the roads difficult to get in and out of when it stormed? I've thought of you often.
We must get rid of all the animals as it costs too much to feed them. I would like to know if you still have a fancy for Coco? It will break Sunny's heart to part with her but it might not be so bad if she is with someone he knows. What do you think? She is now older than when you knew her and obeys much better. He has done quite a bit of training on her. Thank you for your little note with the greeting of the Equinox. I would answer your last letter in full if I could find it. I thought I knew exactly where I put it but my files badly need cleaning—so it has been misplaced.
Love is the law, love under will.