Correspondence from Robert Lund to Philip Kaplan




8503 Hartwell Street,

Detroit 28, Michigan



Mr. Philip Kaplan

47-17 39th Avenue,

Long Island City 4, New York



March 30, 1958



Dear Mr. Kaplan:


Enclosed is the list of the Crowley material I have for sale. I made a trip to my office today to obtain it for you.


The several items I held out for myself do not appear on the list. You will note that the items are listed according to lot. It was my original intention to sell the material in lots, but I have since decided to sell the entire collection to a single buyer.


Please return this list to me as you soon as you [sic] have finished with it. You may, of course, copy it if you so desire, but until such a time as the collection changes hands, the list remains mine.


My descriptions of all of the items are fully accurate in every respect.


So as not to mislead you in any way, let me re-state the understanding I have with the bookseller with whom I am dealing. He has made me an offer of $750 for the collection—that is, all of the items on the enclosed list. He proposes to re-sell the material to an institution, which I believe to be the University of Michigan. In offering me $750 he has, of course, allowed for a profit for himself. I have not agreed to sell the collection for that price and, after discussing the matter with his client, he will then make a final offer for the collection. He advises me that his final offer will not be less than $750, although it could be more, depending on the price he gets from his client. I will have his final offer this coming Wednesday.


In sending the list, I wish to make it clear that you are under no obligation to make a bid for the material, nor do I obligate myself to sell it to you, regardless of any amount you may offer for it.


I am somewhat curious as to how you discovered I had this material for sale and would appreciate it if you would enlighten me on that score.


Thank you for your interest.




Robert Lund


