Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Philip Kaplan




Forthampton Court,




Tewkesbury 2125.



10 Apr 58



Dear Kaplan.


Your Apr. 6. It is good news that you may be near Gloucester. You must come over for lunch. We are ten miles up the river Severn from Gloucester, near Tewkesbury with its glorious Norman abbey. This was the abbot's summer house, and still has his 1380 Great Hall. To reach Forthampton you leave Tewkesbury by the Worcester road, turn first left over the river Severn, first left after the first small cross roads, first left through the village and on down a twisting hill to a final cross roads where you turn left down the private road to the house.


I am in touch with Lund [Robert Lund], a nice man. I am not myself prepared to pay over 750 dollars, so have put the matter into the hands of an English dealer, Harold Mortlake, who has sold books to Lund in the past. If he gets the collection, I can have first pick of the few items I would want. Have not yet had a list of the books involved.


I hope to see you and your family here in May.




Gerald Yorke


