Correspondence from Robert Lund to Philip Kaplan




8503 Hartwell Street,

Detroit 28, Michigan



Mr. Philip Kaplan

47-17 39th Avenue,

Long Island City 4, New York



July 8, 1958



Dear Phil:


Harold Mortlake, whom you mention in your letter of the 4th, wrote me two or three times about the Crowley material when I had it. It was of interest to me that at one time he, Mortlake, was active in British conjuring circles and is acquainted with a number of magician friends of mine.


The only person other than my wife who knows what you paid for the books is a magician, Jay Marshall, who lives in Chicago. This, I feel, is entirely a matter between you and I, so should anyone make inquiries of me, they will get no information.


Within the next few days I will be mailing you the manuscript of John St. John. As with The Book of Lies, you may keep this as long as you like, but please give me a definite date as to when you will return it and then send it back to me by that date.


I wrote Yorke [Gerald Yorke] about some correspondence Crowley had with the late James Branch Cabell. Is this of any interest to you? If so, I will send details.


We are planning to leave for England the first week of October—the only time I can get leave from the magazine—and will visit England, France and Switzerland. I would like to take in more countries, but the most time I can manage right now is three weeks. But that may be enough time, as I go only to see people, not the sights, and books.




Robert Lund


P.S. Should you run across Dunninger in your rounds of the bookshops or hear stories about him, I would appreciate it very much if you would let me know about it.


