Correspondence from Norman Robb to Philip Kaplan
Norman Robb Bookseller 190 Lt Collins St Melbourne Victoria, Australia
July 14 '58
Dear Mr. Kaplan,
I was most pleased indeed to hear from you. I should be very glad to get a photostat of "Alexandra", and a "Snowdrops" [Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden] (both introduction and book). There will be no trouble with the Customs over the latter, so long as it is [illegible] addressed to me at the above address. (I am very friendly with the man in charge of censorship and books—but in any case—everything is delivered to me unopened!) The trouble, if any, might arise when I come to a question of payment, and that will not arise, because I shall pay you in N.Y.—I have a small credit there and will instruct them to make payment from there to you, as soon as I hear from you what I owe you.
I shall look into the loan of your "wants"—I am fairly sure I can let you have a duplicate of 86, and I may have others. I also have a number of copies of items not mentioned in Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] Bibliography. Anyhow I'll look into the whole question this week and send you a parcel of anything in which I think you might be interested.
I do not sell any of the Crowley material, and the bookshop is a conventional one. handling most of the books of any interest published in England and a few pub. in America. I do not issue lists—that would be impossible as about 10,000 new books are published in England every year! By the way "The Bookseller", publisher in England, publishes every week a list of all books published there. You ought to get it. I'll write again next week and tell you what I am sending.
N Robb.