Correspondence from Robert Lund to Philip Kaplan




8503 Hartwell Street,

Detroit 28, Michigan



July 24, 1958



Dear Phil:


Enclosed are copies of the Crowley—Cabell [James Branch Cabell] letters.


These were copies by a friend of mine, Mrs. Frances J. Brewer, chief of the Gifts and Rare Books Division, Detroit Public Library, during a visit she made to Cabell a few weeks before his death. Mrs. Brewer knew Cabell very well and earlier this year had published a bibliography of his work.


She was not aware that Cabell knew Crowley until her last visit with Cabell, when he casually mentioned Crowley in a conversation. Cabell said he had received many letters from Crowley, but had destroyed most of them. He said he had a few left and showed Mrs. Brewer the originals of the enclosed, along with others which she did not have time to copy.


I would guess that any Crowley correspondence that has survived is now the property of Mrs. Cabell. I question whether it will do any good to write to her, as she is extremely suspicious of everyone and lives in constant fear that someone is going to get something away from her. No doubt you know the type.


If you care to pursue this subject, I would suggest you write Mrs. Brewer, telling her I put you in contact with her. You might also mention that you are not a member of the cult.


I trust all this might be of some interest to you.




Robert Lund


