Correspondence from Robert Lund to Philip Kaplan




8503 Hartwell Street,

Detroit 28, Michigan



August 1, 1958



Dear Phil:


Thank you for returning the books. The two parcels arrived yesterday, although I have not yet had a chance to open them.


The information on Blaine's friendship with Dunninger is very interesting to me. I do not expect I will be in New York for several months, but when the opportunity presents itself, perhaps a meeting could be arranged.


If it is not asking too much, Mrs. Brewer would appreciate it if you could have copies made for her of any correspondence involving Cabell [James Branch Cabell]. Her address is: Chief, Gifts and Rare Books Division / Detroit Public Library / 5201 Woodward Avenue / Detroit.


Mrs. Brewer informs me that Cabell's widow has asked her help in disposing of some of Cabell's things. I told her (Mrs. Brewer) that if any of the Crowley correspondence is for sale I would appreciate it if she would get in touch with you. Thus you may or may not hear from Mrs. Brewer or Mrs. Cabell. Confidentially, if you hear from Mrs. Cabell, do not appear too eager to purchase anything from her, as I understand she is the type who values things on the basis of how they appeal to others.




Robert Lund


