Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
West Point, Calif. Box 258
Aug. 26, 1958.
Dear Philip:
Got your note last night and am sending you separately, by slow mail, the Comment by A.C. to the Book of Lies. Please return when through with copying it.
I have my own copy of "Bloxam" [Not the Life and Adventures of Sir Roger Bloxam], thanks for offering it.
It seems you are gradually getting together one more of the (as much as possible) complete collections of not only Crowley's books but also Mss. etc. If so, I may be able to supply you with much material from here.
I am thinking for instance of Notes commenting on the X volumes of the Equinox, that A.C. made at one time or another which Yorke [Gerald Yorke] collected and sent me. I had them typed and I could send you a set. Let me know if you want it and if you can think of other material you might want to have.
One thing I think you should have is a set of the remaining, as yet unpublished, volumes of his "Confessions" [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]. You have the 2 published volumes. Vol. III was printed, but existed only in Galley proofs, was then destroyed. Vol. 4, 5, 6, 7 exist only in typescript. I had 2 sets, but left one set for Yorke. This one set of 4 typed volumes is here only in one copy, unfortunately. I have not so far had a suitable typist to work for me, say 6 months and make copies of thousands of pages of valuable material that I have here only in one set. And I am very sorry about this. I have, of course, also Vol. III of the Confessions, copied by Robb [Norman Robb] for me from the galley proofs. (Incidentally: it is quite possible that Robb has a spare set of this Vol. III which he could send you.)
Do you have Liber Aleph, I mean a copy of the typescript? And Liber LXXXI (The Tao Teh King)? There is lots and lots.