Correspondence from Karl Germer to Grady McMurtry
West Point, Calif. Box 173
Sept. 10, 1958.
Dear Grady: Care Frater:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of Sept. 9 with check for $20. Thank you.
Of course, I accept your figure of what you have paid back. My "about $500" was a figure of speech, I have not kept an account, nor track of what you have paid.
When I came from the East I had cash doing no work for the time being. I loaned $200 to Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler]; $618 to you; $2,500 to Meeka [Meeka Aldrich]: on my status as Grand Treasurer General of the Order. Not one of these sums have been repaid to date. Meeka even emulated Judas (Ischariot) and will probably end that way. As I have said before, at that time the money was not needed. In your case you were in need or could use a car. You were still studying. But—you are an American and young, with all the advantages that confers against myself and Sascha who had untold obstacles to overcome because we are foreigners. At the end of your academic term you, an American, should have immediately reached a higher income bracket.
I, at least, counted on that. Quite apart from this, as long as the Order did not need the money, I let things slide. Since last year, however, as I have pointed out to you, we have to pay 7% interest on the loans. I have paid $250 or more interest along since October 1957, most of which had not accrued if the loans I had given had been repaid.
You argue with me your position and almost reproach me for insisting on the soon return of the money. What a cockeyed position! The Order—and I hope you do not dispute this—in my person as its appointed Head, demands contributions from its members to live and maintain its existence. Members who take cash from the Order on loan or otherwise, and make not the greatest effort to repay when the Order needs it, reverse it, and live on the narrow capital of the Order: magically tragically wrong. They vampirize the Order!
The time will come again when, to be in 'good standing', each member will be expected to contribute a stated sum every month. In the last two years only (two former members have been of positive help. Not to speak of Sascha who has done in the last 16 years more for A.C. and Thelema than all vaunted "members" combines. Yet they all would like to scratch her eyes out!
"Quarrel about money"? (your last par.) I? How far can man fall from Truth and Fact! What I want to see is an awakened Grady McMurtry who sees his distorted moral sense, and becomes royal and lofty and sees his obligation to the Work and that of the Work to Grady McMurtry!
Love is the law, love under will.