Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
West Point, Calif. Box 173
September 19, 1958.
Dear Philip:
As noted on the back of y-day's envelope, the book parcel arrived, and I was pleased and surprised at the beauty of the books you have sent me. I thank you very much and I prize these particular items.
I have made ready to mail as a parcel the following:
Tao Teh King with introduction
The continuation of the Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley], under the title "The Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage" Vol. 4 and 5.
Please confirm prompt receipt as I am always worried when sending out manuscripts which I have only in one copy.
I am holding vol. 6 and 7 [of The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] here for the time being and will send them when I have the first parcel back.
To explain once again. The Confessions were planned in seven volumes. Vol. I and II you have. Vol. III was set in print but only a set of galley proofs exist; Robb [Norman Robb] has made available to us copies of this, and I'm sure he can spare a copy for you.
Vol. 4, 5, 6, 7 exist only in typescript, and they bear the title "The Sacred Magick etc." Of these I now send you vol. 4 and 5.
Now here is my problem, which I mentioned before. I hate to have these valuable typescripts only in one set. What do you plan to do—copy them? photostat them? Could you make available to me say two sets of any copies you are making of these typescripts—At My Expense!
Should Robb answer in the negative—which I doubt, as he is so very helpful—I would send you the copy he made for me—though I strongly hope the copy you'd get is better, mine has some lines missing at the bottom of the pages.