Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan




West Point, Calif.



October 1, 1958.



Dear Philip:


About time to confirm receipt of your letter of Sept. 22 with the copies of Notes on Sword of Song and the two photostat pages.


Thank you very much for your great trouble you took.


I have to-day got everything ready to mail to Yorke [Gerald Yorke]; he is a genius for deciphering not only A.C.'s script, but also the notes you sent—some of them bear improving. So if there should be questions, Yorke will ask them.—


Yes, of course, the notes from the Equinox were for you to keep, except p. 67A, thanks for their return.


As to packing: I am surprised! I always wrap parcels myself, and thought I packed them very carefully. But, I have made the experience that often the parcels are opened by the Post Office, and then re-wrapped with negligence. This is not the first time that this has been called to my attention.


This makes me all the more worried about the last parcel with the valuable MSS. and no word from you yet that they reached you! I had packed this with great care, and sent it Insured. I trust to find a word from you when I drive to the Post Office to-morrow.






I hope your plans include some day another visit to the West Coast. If so, count on staying with us for a day or more. We live over 3500 feet up, in the midst of Pines and Oaks, in a dry climate, which might be a relief from Rain, Wind and smog.


