Correspondence from Philip Kaplan to Karl Germer
[Undated: circa 1959?]
Dear Karl.
For the past 6 weeks I have been reading the I CHING—(Richard Wilhelm translation) and I find it most exciting. I have only gone through a third of the 2 volumes—at almost a snails pace—but the progress is there just the same.
Crowley's association with the I CHING is most exciting particularly his "Liber Trigrammaton" of the mutations of the Tao—what a brilliant idea his starting from the beginning—that is nothing.
I have a long way to go to full understanding—I will try to stay with it.
I have no idea how the Yi King sticks are used or what they look like—someday when you have the time [ . . .] in detail how they work.
Please describe the method to me. In fact I would like to make a duplicate set for my collection.
Hope the Gods have been good to you and you are enjoying good health.