Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
West Point, Calif. Box 173
Jan. 9, 1959.
Dear Philip:
The Book of Lies question was a mistake. I found my note that I sent it to you and that you returned it!
The Yi King Wheel: If you have a copy of Legges's version (Oxford, Clarendon Press 1899), you will find a large diagram showing the arrangement of the Yi's in a Wheel and inside it arranged into a square. I suppose what you refer to is a different thing, if so, I would love to have a photostat.
One of our people in San Francisco wrote me last week (He had just begun to study the Yi King) that when wandering around Chinatown he met an old friend, a Chinese. He was looking for a set of Yi sticks. His friend, Wu Wang, or something like that, guessed quickly what he was after, and revealed himself as a Master of the Art, and showed himself willing to teach him. I expect to be able to benefit somewhat from this.
A.C. had planned to write a book of his own on the Yi King, but he would have to have lived in easy circumstances and one or two secretaries or typists. What I have is his personal copy of the book with his annotations. As I bought my own copy of the book, I could send you A.C.'s copy on loan for you to make copies of the annotations. When taking my oracles or omens I go more by his brief summary of the meaning of each hexagram in rime, and he called it "The Shi Yî"?
On this subject, I'm enclosing for you (to keep) Lesson I and II on the Yi King by A.C. which I had printed some years ago when we still had the Multilith. I also enclose copy of the main substance of the above mentioned annotations to the 64 hexagrams by A.C., which would obviate my having to send you the book itself. This is No. 193, which I'd like you to return—take your time.
I don't know about 'Djuna Barnes', and I don't find the name in A.C.'s Autobiography. Can you help me in what volume?