Correspondence from Francis Brewer to Philip Kaplan
Mrs. George E. F. Brewer 2215 Shankin Drive on Wolverine Lake Walled Lake, Mich
Feb. 23, 1959.
Dear Dr. Kaplan:
Last August 9 you were nice enough to write and tell me about the letters of Montgomery Evans and Stagg Hunter, which are in your possession.
Margaret Freeman—Cabell is trying to collect all correspondence connected with and by her late husband James [James Branch Cabell], and I did tell her about the correspondence in your possession. I hope this was all right. I told her to contact you directly of she thinks that these letters may be useful to her, and I am sure she will. This seemed an easier way than to act as intermediary.
You indicated in your letter that you had a letter from Crowley to Cabell from Cefalu and I would be most grateful if you could send a copy of this letter to me.
Thank you very much for your trouble and I do hope that you don't mind my giving your address to Margaret Cabell.
Frances J. Brewer