Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
West Point, Calif.
May 17, 1959.
Dear Philip:
Thank you for sending me "The Beast"—I have had a copy for two weeks, could not buy any in Stockton, so had to order four more, which I expect early next week. Of these I had promised Yorke [Gerald Yorke] a copy, and wanted one for you. Still, I knew all the time that you would hear of this publications.
As you probably remember, this is the same Mannix who published his similar attack on A.C. in the October 1956 issue of TRUE magazine.
I hear from Yorke that Symonds [John Symonds] in cooperation with Rider's, his publishers, are studying the question whether a damage suit is possible for quotations without permit from "The Great Beast". I expect to hear about this. Yorke suggested that I study the same question from my angle (for quoting A.C. without my permit). I must say that my horoscope is bad for law suits. If I knew a lawyer in N.Y. who is good at this sort of thing, I could submit the facts to him and hear whether he would agree to pursue a damage suit on a, say, 60 : 40% basis. However, I will now first wait until Symonds or Rider's take action, and what.
(One man by the name of Mannix writes for Roman Catholic interests; should this one be a relative? If so, it would throw on the possible source of the attacks. A.C. as well as I have been under close observation by the Vatican hierarchy for umpteen years; I used to be naive, very naive, and accepted stories by alleged renegade Catholic priests as genuine, and supplied them with all the MSS. literature, information, they asked! What a super-duper fool I was!)
Black phases come into everyone's life. I, for one, do not refuse them, but rather hail them,—after they have passed and their benefit digested.—
Rider's wrote me that the book will be out May 25, and that I'll get the books of which I shall mail you one.—If you decide to come West this year, make it a point to visit us! My wife was a refugee from Vienna, a born Aszkanasy, who would love to meet you and your wife!