Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Karl Germer
435, Reymond Building Baton Rouge 2, La.
May 20, 1959
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am sorry I lost my temper with you and wrote such an abrupt letter. Please understand I am not withdrawing anything I said; but my personal feeling of gratitude for your teaching and friendship towards you as a person outweighs your suspicions and cold-bloodedness.
You are a very cool customer, and my temperament is quite different from yours. I am afraid I will never be able to accept with equanimity some of your traits; but one has to live with one's brothers and make the best of it; that applies to you as well as to me.
I wrote you some time ago asking how much money you would need to publish a good version of LIBER ALEPH, and gave $1800.00 as reference from here in Baton Rouge. For some reason, you did not answer my question; I strongly suspect that, since I had LIBER ALEPH with me at the time, you were afraid I intended to "steal" it away from you, or some such preposterous notion.
Let me repeat my question: I would like to know how much, at a minimum and a maximum, would it cost to publish LIBER ALEPH in—let us have a reference—the same quality paper as that of my copy of LITTLE ESSAYS TOWARDS TRUTH, with a similar type cover, and with the Seal of the A∴A∴ stamped on it.
I do not have any money, and it is possible, if you are right, that I will not have any, ever, even; but supposing things change, or supposing, what the hell, that I just would like to know, I can see no harm in your spending a few minutes at the typewriter checking on that and letting me know.
You say you have everything prepared and all you need is an Introduction or something; I should think you are best equipped to write one, and should, at once—and don't go blasting at me for "bossing" you and telling you what to do, you bloody cranky idiot!—as you did when I dared to advise you on the subject of A.C.'s translation of La Clef. You are free enough with the advice, why shouldn't you swallow some?
I advise you—with your pardon, sir!—to take a grain of salt any supposed inspiration or mystical or magical message you may receive through Sascha [Sascha Germer].
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. What gives with the "Black Magician" stuff from Iowa (wasn't it?)? Or is it classified also as precious manuscripts?