Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan




West Point, Calif.

Box 173



Sept. 4, 1959.



Dear Philip:


Yours of Aug. 30 was indeed a disappointment. Some weeks ago Mr. n.h. roth (this is the way he signs himself) owner of the Aries Press, Chicago wrote me he was expecting several items of Crowleiana. I wonder whether he has been in cahoots with Lund [Robert Lund]? I asked for the list but never had a reply?


I'll tell you that from my point of view the 3 note books of John St. John and Energized Enthusiasm were the most interesting. Well, you did what you could, and can't blame yourself. Lund seemed to me like a little stinker, and I was amazed how well you handled him. Do you think he would tell you the name of the party who owns the material now?


If you have a chance to look at the September issue of Horoscope. It has a fairly long article on Crowley—in the usual style, of course.


There is nothing new at this end. I was glad to hear that your vacation put you in good trim. As for me, I am having a sort of vacation all year round—bar the three winter months—as this climate 'can't be beat'.


With best wishes,




